- Plate (370x585mm), with 2 cooking zones (2x 2,5kW)
- Made of AISI 304 stainless steel, “Top stamped” (15/10 mm), adjustable cylinders
- Cooking surface, waterproof “IPX4”.
- Plate (15 mm) in “thermo-diffuser” steel, heated by resistors positioned below.
- Combustion chamber thermally insulated with glass wool.
- Control by 9-position switch (each fireplace), with indicator light
- Appliances built in compliance with current standards (CE)
- One large stove, but with different zones, each with “different” temperatures from (+/-) 80 to 400°C, ideal for simmering.
- Maintenance of the temperature in function of the plates, even without using them (without recipient).
- A full stove (in one piece) that cooking “simultaneous” allows for pans, pots, … of several sizes, easy transfer, done with efforts, done with raising!!