- 2 plates 300×300 mm, independent ( 2x 2,5 kW).
- Open cupboard (GN1/1) (360x740xh360mm).
- Manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304 “stamped top”, adjustable feet in stainless steel (150/200mm), version with top, adjustable feet.
- Cooking surface, watertight “IPX4”.
- Cast iron plates big thickness (h.40mm) “Aligned with theTop “, with security dispositive in case of overheating.
- Control via control switch with 7 positions (for each zone), with indicator light.
- Plates with fast temperature increase.
- Maintenance of the temperature in function of the plates, even without using them (without recipient).
- Simple maintenance, provided with a collection tray, frontal access.
- A full stove (in one piece) that cooking “simultaneous” allows for pans, pots… of several sizes, easy transfer, done with efforts, done with raising!!